Is it fair for the IT department to be characterized as the department known for always saying “No”? Not really, because it’s simply not true. However, let’s not let the truth get in the way of a good story. IT gets a bad rap because they want to do the right thing....
Recreational bowling centers have morphed from smoky old hangouts to state-of-the-art family entertainment centers. The transformation is continuous as centers work to strike the perfect balance between meeting the needs of loyal customers that live for weekly league...
Last week we talked about the first key consideration when selecting a low-code development platform – Application Frameworks. This week we’ll continue with two additional key considerations which are Any-to-Any Integration and Unlimited Depth and Reach....
I’m just back from a week traveling across Europe with my colleagues, delivering an update to our customers on the latest release of Visual LANSA (version 14 SP2). As a new member of the team, it was a valuable opportunity for me to meet so many customers in London,...
US News & World report named “software developer” the number 1 job for 2018. Growth in demand for software and application development skills is a trend that’s expected to continue as organizations in every industry transform and optimize with better software for...