Is “going mobile” on your company’s radar? If not, it should be because the mobile revolution is growing at an extraordinary pace. The number of smartphone users is rapidly rising – 42% a year, globally, according to research from Morgan Stanley. At this rate more...
Guest Blogger: Paul Conte, President PCES, is a leading Application Development Strategist. The other day I was reflecting back on what has been a long, and generally fun and interesting IT career. One thing I remember vividly was discovering the IBM System/38, the...
There’s delicious irony in Dan Burger of IT Jungle breaking the story that finally lays to rest the ghost of IBM’s ill-judged campaign: “Sure there will be other jobs for programmers who don’t know Java.” Dan tells the story of long-time IBM AS/400 shop the Harry Fox...
The cost effective way to reengineer, modernize & transform your IBM i applications allowing IT to help & grow your business. The IBM i (AS/400, iSeries, Power systems) user base is now facing new challenges and threats based on the longevity of the platform...
Guest Blogger: Paul Conte, President PCES, is a leading Application Development Strategist Are we done yet? With “modernizing” our applications, that is? It seems so long ago that someone came up with the clever concept of application “modernization” as a response to...