This post is a bit of a rant. I’m not continually amazed by what I’m about to describe – because I have seen it too often. What I find hard to understand is why corporations continue to fall into the same trap. And what is the trap I’m talking...
This blog series unveils the steps needed to make an ROI-powered business case for Application Modernization to your CFO. Prior episodes outlined your current resources, your goals and the first 5 steps of the process, culminating in a Project Scope or Requirements...
In our last episode, our hero (you, of course) was preparing to make an ROI-powered business case for Application Modernization to your CFO. We covered your current resources, your goals, and steps 1-4 in the process. This episode unveils Step 5 – Conducting a...
There is so much talk about legacy application modernization that you could be forgiven for thinking that every old 5250 app has already been dragged into the 21st century. But you and I know that’s not true. In fact, a typical reader of this blog will be running at...