As the demand for digital transformation rapidly increases, the need for changes throughout every aspect of enterprise IT systems becomes more pressing. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) systems are no exception to this trend. The requirements for EDI platforms and...
In our blog, we frequently talk about the services and capabilities of the LANSA low-code platform. In particular, we focus on how LANSA tools help organizations easily and cost-effectively implement digital transformation initiatives and modernize their legacy...
With the economy slowly rebounding from COVID, I am reminded of how fast time flies and how quickly things change. It’s already been more than two years since LANSA became part of Idera. Looking back, we dedicated a lot of this time “heads-down” racing to add...
Rapidly changing market conditions and the need for continuous innovation is the new reality for businesses in today’s economy. Another reality, however, is that adapting to these through legacy application development may take longer than you think. This is because...
For the first time in its history COMMON held POWERUp 2021, the largest annual conference and networking event for IBM Power Systems users and solution providers in Hybrid mode. The show offered live sessions as well as virtual access...