Take Back Control of Your Application Backlog

Take Back Control of Your Application Backlog

Is it fair for the IT department to be characterized as the department known for always saying “No”? Not really, because it’s simply not true. However, let’s not let the truth get in the way of a good story. IT gets a bad rap because they want to do the right thing....
Why is Software Application Development So Much Fun?

Why is Software Application Development So Much Fun?

It has become a rather interesting question to ponder over the years: What has drawn so many people into this field? Various estimates peg the number of worldwide software developers at 20 million. My middle child (age 14) shows all the signs: he takes great delight...
Low-code’s Impact on Mobile App Development

Low-code’s Impact on Mobile App Development

It’s official, mobile is the Internet champion of the world. The crowning happened in October of 2016 when mobile internet usage dethroned desktop internet usage – and the gap between the two have remained steady ever since. Considering the pervasive nature of...
Haunted by Ghosts of Technologies Past?

Haunted by Ghosts of Technologies Past?

Halloween is getting close. How do I know? Not because its highlighted on my calendar. And not from the constant temptation of walking past the three mega-sized bags of candy I purchased for the ghostly event. I gauge the proximity of Halloween by the frequency of...