US News & World report named “software developer” the number 1 job for 2018. Growth in demand for software and application development skills is a trend that’s expected to continue as organizations in every industry transform and optimize with better software for...
IT departments like to think of themselves as gatekeepers to their organization’s infrastructure and systems—but that’s not always the case. The term “shadow IT” is now commonly used to describe software applications built and deployed without any organizational...
“We’ve all got a job to do”. While that may be true, it’s precisely the type of thinking that sometimes leads to ungoverned technologies roaming free throughout a business. The term is ominously known as “shadow IT” and it’s when an otherwise well-meaning employee or...
Nope, others may have already Rickrolled you with a disguised link to Rick Astley’s “Never Gonna Give You Up.” Instead, here is a list of the worst “jokes” that IT and the software development community has played on itself over the years. Perhaps some are never going...
Agile development provides many benefits to software development, if executed well. I’m not going into a lengthy definition of the intricacies and pitfalls of how you run an Agile development project. This article takes a deeper look at one aspect of Agile: The...