US News & World report named “software developer” the number 1 job for 2018. Growth in demand for software and application development skills is a trend that’s expected to continue as organizations in every industry transform and optimize with better software for...
Interested in building mobile apps but don’t have mobile app developers on staff? Braum’s Ice Cream & Dairy Stores felt the same pain. The way the company saw it, they could either hire mobile developers, outsource development or find a platform they could train...
“We’ve all got a job to do”. While that may be true, it’s precisely the type of thinking that sometimes leads to ungoverned technologies roaming free throughout a business. The term is ominously known as “shadow IT” and it’s when an otherwise well-meaning employee or...
Who hasn’t been stuck in auto-phone-system purgatory for hours or been routed to a first-line customer support rep who knew less about the product you were using than you did? In other cases, your only option for customer support might have been to post a...
My father recently underwent a full knee replacement. Before the procedure, my sisters, both who are physical therapists, provided a wealth of pre-surgical exercises as well as a list of information about the road to recovery. Due to the distance between where my...