Is “going mobile” on your company’s radar? If not, it should be because the mobile revolution is growing at an extraordinary pace. The number of smartphone users is rapidly rising – 42% a year, globally, according to research from Morgan Stanley. At this rate more...
Oscar Wilde once said, “It is a very sad thing that nowadays there is so little useless information.” The year was 1894. If only he was alive today to witness a civilization now firmly addicted to data. Studies from UCSD (University of California San Diego) state...
In prior posts, we’ve reviewed some ideas on ROI-based justification for project initiatives, how to scope a project, and some modern tools for managing a project. But, my thoughts now turn to the 1989 movie Field of Dreams – if you build it, will they come? You’re...
eCommerce… the opportunity to promote and sell your products online to customers; enabling them to check their order and shipping status, review their account details, and more. The potential benefits are easy to identify: better customer service, reduced...
Information Overload We are facing a crisis in information Management called “the data deluge” by the Economist in a February 2010 study. A sample metric cited in the report is that WalMart handles 1 million customer transactions per hour and has 2.5 petabytes of...