In today’s business environment, especially in light of the COVID 19 pandemic, slow and steady no longer wins the race. This is especially true when it comes to digital transformation. Businesses today have two options — transform or perish. The importance...
First introduced to the market just several years ago (the name “Progressive Web Apps” was coined [1] by Google in 2015), today progressive web applications (PWA) continue to gain popularity among businesses of all sizes thanks to a handful of undeniable strengths of...
Is it fair for the IT department to be characterized as the department known for always saying “No”? Not really, because it’s simply not true. However, let’s not let the truth get in the way of a good story. IT gets a bad rap because they want to do the right thing....
It has become a rather interesting question to ponder over the years: What has drawn so many people into this field? Various estimates peg the number of worldwide software developers at 20 million. My middle child (age 14) shows all the signs: he takes great delight...
Investing in low-code development platforms is like playing the stock market. If you do your homework and invest wisely, you can achieve an incredible return on your investment for many years to come. Choose unwisely and it can be devastating. With that in mind,...