About nine years ago I accepted my first software developer job after decades in the electrical engineering field. I was ready to start developing the coolest apps using the latest and greatest programming languages—you know, all those cool kid languages you learn in...
In part 1 of this blog series, I discussed the benefits of the Business Rules Engine and how using this central repository is key to accelerating application development. While the Business Rules Engine is geared for multiple application creations and enterprise...
Investing in low-code development platforms is like playing the stock market. If you do your homework and invest wisely, you can achieve an incredible return on your investment for many years to come. Choose unwisely and it can be devastating. With that in mind,...
Low-code development platforms enable the creation of software applications using far less program code than would typically be needed versus traditional computer programming languages. Software development is often a lengthy and complex process so low-code’s promise...
My father recently underwent a full knee replacement. Before the procedure, my sisters, both who are physical therapists, provided a wealth of pre-surgical exercises as well as a list of information about the road to recovery. Due to the distance between where my...