iPulse 2010 Survey Results
The iPulse 2010 Survey, organized by LANSA, ran during September 2010 and was promoted to the global IBM i community via email, social media and publicized by all the leading industry media outlets like Intelligencer Magazine, IT Jungle, CIO Magazine and System...
Six Steps for Successful Application Modernization
Guest Blogger: Mike Otey, Senior Technical Editor for System iNEWS magazine The IBM i is a highly successfully and ultra-reliable computing platform that’s in use in all kinds of businesses world-wide from order-entry, human resources, and education through inventory...
Project Health Check Review
If you've been working on a project with my Services team this year, you may have already experienced a new milestone that we introduced into our project delivery methodology - the "Health Check" review. I'd like to share some of our thoughts behind introducing this...
The Information Explosion (and the case for Business Process Integration)
Rollin Ford, Wal-Mart’s CIO, earlier this year stated “Every day I wake up and ask….how can I flow data better, manage data better, analyze data better”. Not surprising when you consider that Wal-Mart processes over 1 million client business transactions every hour...
How to Justify Application Modernization to your CFO – Episode 2
In our last episode, our hero (you, of course) was preparing to make an ROI-powered business case for Application Modernization to your CFO. We covered your current resources, your goals, and steps 1-4 in the process. This episode unveils Step 5 – Conducting a...
Redchester is the new capital of Switzerland
I may get berned at the steak by Swiss federalists for spouting hearsay, but I've heard some stories that I must share. Those clever Swiss folks learned long ago that being neutral can have considerable political and economic benefits. Why choose sides when you can...
The State of Global Data Synchronization
My introduction into Global Data Synchronization started in 2002 as an IT manager for an early adopter of Global Data Synchronization Network (GDSN) standards in the Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) industry. At the time, CPG companies were the only sector actively...
The Business Challenge of Going Mobile
With the rampant explosion of wireless smart phone devices in the marketplace, it should be no surprise that more and more businesses are delving into the mobile world. Whether it's for productivity gains by arming staff with more ready access to data, or from...
How Does Your Organization Manage Content?
Information Overload We are facing a crisis in information Management called “the data deluge” by the Economist in a February 2010 study. A sample metric cited in the report is that WalMart handles 1 million customer transactions per hour and has 2.5 petabytes of...
Executive Dashboards – It’s Not Technical, It’s About the Business
If you were asked to describe an executive dashboard, your thoughts might include words like: colorful, graphical, charts, and panels. Generally, these descriptions are correct. However, all of these “flashy” attributes accomplished with the latest technology are not...
The Case for a Workflow Solution
If you talk to any C-Level executive they are concerned with how to effectively and efficiently deliver their products or services to their customers. IT is seen as one of the key components to improve business efficiency and effectiveness. The most successful IT...
How to Justify Legacy Application Modernization to your CFO
There is so much talk about legacy application modernization that you could be forgiven for thinking that every old 5250 app has already been dragged into the 21st century. But you and I know that’s not true. In fact, a typical reader of this blog will be running at...