Performance is a lifetime experience!
Performance is not only a highly complex topic but also a moving target as business demands and technologies are constantly changing. What you design today as a highly performing business application may turn out to be a millstone around your neck within a few short...

Can SharePoint and IBM i coexist? The Magic 8-Ball says, “YES!”
Microsoft SharePoint has grown exponentially since its release in 2003. Did you know it took SharePoint only five years to surpass the $1 billion mark in annual sales? I believe SharePoint was gobbled up quickly by so many companies because it’s relatively inexpensive...

Implementing New Systems – Get Involved and Stay Involved
In most decisions involving your business you carefully scrutinize all of the important aspects. You review the business justification, the costs, the return on investment and the plan for implementation. Then, as the activity moves forward, you have your staff...
The Desperate Project Manager’s Kit (DPMK)
I was reading Jurgen's blog about scrum projects and again saw these issues: 1) Not following a business-driven approach to goals and priorities 2) Not delivering real value early and often In aXes/RAMP application modernization projects I refer to these two items as...
LANSA Managed Application Services
The cost effective way to reengineer, modernize & transform your IBM i applications allowing IT to help & grow your business. The IBM i (AS/400, iSeries, Power systems) user base is now facing new challenges and threats based on the longevity of the platform...
Scrum Project Management Approach
So you convinced your management to give you money for your modernization project? Now you will need to deliver! How do you make this happen? When you read the article written by Paul Conte about the 'Top 10 reasons application modernization projects fail' you see...
Top Ten Reasons Application Modernization Projects Fail
Guest Blogger: Paul Conte, President PCES, is a leading Application Development Strategist Are we done yet? With “modernizing” our applications, that is? It seems so long ago that someone came up with the clever concept of application “modernization” as a response to...
Why Using an Application Framework like the VLF should be a No Brainer
Frameworks are everywhere. They are available for almost every part of software development and frameworks are not exclusive to the IT industry. Medicine, banking and insurance all have risk assessment frameworks. Education uses learning frameworks, companies are...
The Rise of the Tech Savvy User (and the case for Business Process Integration – Part Two)
Oscar Wilde once said, “It is a very sad thing that nowadays there is so little useless information.” The year was 1894. If only he was alive today to witness a civilization now firmly addicted to data. Studies from UCSD (University of California San Diego) state...
Successful Application Rollout Strategies – If you build it, will they come?
In prior posts, we’ve reviewed some ideas on ROI-based justification for project initiatives, how to scope a project, and some modern tools for managing a project. But, my thoughts now turn to the 1989 movie Field of Dreams – if you build it, will they come? You’re...
Supplying the Flip side – The Case for a Supplier Portal
eCommerce… the opportunity to promote and sell your products online to customers; enabling them to check their order and shipping status, review their account details, and more. The potential benefits are easy to identify: better customer service, reduced...
Risk, Innovation and Cost Considerations
In the current economic climate we’re all being asked to go back to our parents generation and ‘make do and mend’. Even with the supposed green shoots of recovery being discussed by our political leaders, it’s hard to see how the large capital expenditure projects...