Legacy Asset Management and Transformation
Legacy Asset Management and Transformation is the practice of maintaining older application assets so that you can continue to derive value from your stable line-of-business applications – while executing a plan to gradually transform and possibly even replace them. A...
How to Justify Application Modernization to your CFO – Episode 3
This blog series unveils the steps needed to make an ROI-powered business case for Application Modernization to your CFO. Prior episodes outlined your current resources, your goals and the first 5 steps of the process, culminating in a Project Scope or Requirements...
Building applications for mobile devices
These days almost everyone has one or more mobile devices, ranging from Smartphones to tablets. From a business perspective, widespread use of mobile devices is useful, as it allows immediate access to information for employees who work remotely and/or travel...
Using JSON to Build Efficient Applications
As modern web applications have become increasingly interactive and data centric, techniques have been sought to make these applications more efficient. A major breakthrough in this area was the advent of AJAX (Asynchronous Javascript and XML). Since then, developers...
iPulse 2011 Survey Results
The second annual iPulse Survey, organized by LANSA, ran during October 2011 and was promoted to the global IBM i community via email, social media and publicized by leading industry media outlets like Intelligencer Magazine, IT Jungle and MC Press Online. This year’s...
The Secret Thoughts of an IBM i IT Manager
Guest Blogger: Paul Conte, President PCES, is a leading Application Development Strategist. The other day I was reflecting back on what has been a long, and generally fun and interesting IT career. One thing I remember vividly was discovering the IBM System/38, the...
Using JavaScript Frameworks for Building Business Applications
Over the past decade, we’ve seen the explosion of information, mobile devices, tablets and the ability to consume and access information from anywhere in the world. Web applications are being built at an ever-increasing pace to satisfy the need for information and...
Global Data Synchronization as Easy as 1-2-3
Over the last decade, Global Data Synchronization (GDS) has been evolving as a standard practice for businesses to share product data. This practice is greatly improving the accuracy of product data, increasing the speed to market for new products and reducing the...
They’re flippin’ something … but it ain’t burgers
There’s delicious irony in Dan Burger of IT Jungle breaking the story that finally lays to rest the ghost of IBM’s ill-judged campaign: “Sure there will be other jobs for programmers who don’t know Java.” Dan tells the story of long-time IBM AS/400 shop the Harry Fox...
Sweeten your Customer Relationships with SugarCRM on IBM i
While technology improvements have lowered the cost of building and deploying business solutions, until recently, the software and implementation cost of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems was unaffordable for most small to medium businesses who rely on...
Top 10 Checklist for Evaluating Modernization Tools
Guest Blogger: Paul Conte, President PCES, is a leading Application Development Strategist. “Give us the tools, and we will finish the job.” – Winston Churchill, February 9, 1941 While application modernization isn’t as daunting as the challenges Churchill faced...
Protect Your Customers’ PII (Personally Identifiable Information)
Personally Identifiable Information (PII) is the sensitive information that can be used to uniquely identify the flesh and blood people that are our staff, partners, vendors — and especially our customers. Some examples include: name, birth date, address, government...