[FREE GIFT] The all-new Visual LANSA UI Kit for Figma is out. Get it here!

[FREE GIFT] The all-new Visual LANSA UI Kit for Figma is out. Get it here!





Designing in Supportability

Designing in Supportability

This post is a bit of a rant. I'm not continually amazed by what I'm about to describe - because I have seen it too often. What I find hard to understand is why corporations continue to fall into the same trap. And what is the trap I'm talking about? It's failing to...

Performance is a Requirement

Performance is a Requirement

Top of the Requirements List What's the one factor that affects user satisfaction in every step they take, every time they use your web application? It’s not the feature set. Users can overlook your site lacking some piece of functionality. It’s not the design. Most...

Empower your Sales Force with Mobile Apps for ERP

Empower your Sales Force with Mobile Apps for ERP

Guest Blogger: Greg Johnson, Team Leader for New Technology at Mincron Software Systems Mobile applications that integrate with enterprise line-of-business applications may not dazzle your children like Angry Birds — but in the distribution world where margins are...

Selecting a Workflow Management System for Your Company

Selecting a Workflow Management System for Your Company

When most people think about workflow they may think about a manufacturing process on a production line. And that’s really where the whole concept of workflow got started — when business and academic minds worked jointly to improve and control a process. Today,...

Choosing Business Processes for Mobile Apps

Choosing Business Processes for Mobile Apps

Using Mobile Devices for Business The growing use of mobile devices has brought a new paradigm to software application design and development and also forced companies to discover new ways to publish and distribute information to employees and customers. The evolution...

Legacy Asset Management and Transformation

Legacy Asset Management and Transformation

Legacy Asset Management and Transformation is the practice of maintaining older application assets so that you can continue to derive value from your stable line-of-business applications – while executing a plan to gradually transform and possibly even replace them. A...

Building applications for mobile devices

Building applications for mobile devices

These days almost everyone has one or more mobile devices, ranging from Smartphones to tablets. From a business perspective, widespread use of mobile devices is useful, as it allows immediate access to information for employees who work remotely and/or travel...

Using JSON to Build Efficient Applications

Using JSON to Build Efficient Applications

As modern web applications have become increasingly interactive and data centric, techniques have been sought to make these applications more efficient. A major breakthrough in this area was the advent of AJAX (Asynchronous Javascript and XML). Since then, developers...