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[FREE GIFT] The all-new Visual LANSA UI Kit for Figma is out. Get it here!

Jumpstart Your Digital Transformation With This Manufacturing Tools Tracking Solution

By John Maynard Adriatico
Published On June 22, 2021

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Are you looking to simplify the way your manufacturing apps are developed? You can make your business engine run smoother and faster with the Visual LANSA hybrid low-code platform. When you develop web apps in Visual LANSA, you create the entire application in our IDE, using the same development approach as any Visual LANSA application. Your developers no longer need to learn several web development languages, you won’t need front-end and back-end developers. LANSA takes enterprise application development efficiency to a level beyond what traditional low-code development platforms offer.

  • Combines low-code and traditional coding in the same IDE
  • One IDE to develop progressive web and desktop applications
  • Develop web and desktop applications using many of the same assets

In this article we will explore the LANSA Manufacturing Tools sample application that is available for free with the product. Click here to try the sample app and then read on to find out how to modify it.

How to jumpstart your digital transformation with Visual LANSA?

You can track your manufacturing tools with Visual LANSA’s progressive web app feature.  Visual LANSA has an existing manufacturing tools tracking solution named: LANSA Tool, this tool track the stock of your manufacturing tools like inventory management.

Sounds interesting! So let’s start with how you can do it by yourself.

Head over to https://wp.lansa.com/15plustrial/ and request a free trial of Visual LANSA 15+. Once you have filled out the form, our support team will contact you as soon as possible to give you access to your free trial.

So let’s get started. Once you have installed the Visual LANSA v15+ free trial on your device, launch Visual LANSA and select “Build a Mobile Web Application” from the Create Web Browser and Mobile Applications section.

Once you are there, follow these steps:

Step 1: Scroll down to the “Start with a Sample Application” section and choose Tool Shop.


Step 2: Type the Prefix and Application Name after selecting the LANSA Exchange Sample Application. As an example, we typed “LT_” as the prefix and “LANSA TOOLS” as the application name. Once you have that done,  click the “Generate this application” button.

Step 3: Visual LANSA will load and build its “LT_MAIN” components.  These include views, dialogs, reusable parts, server modules,  and resources.

  • Step 4: Visual LANSA loads the components. You can also access the process while they are still building and compiling.

  • Step 5: Now you need to compile and also run the application. To do this, go to the home tab and select compile and execute. Visual LANSA will compile any changes made to the application’s resources. Once finished, click Execute if you want to run the program in a browser.

Here is a sample of the entire LANSA Tool Video Demo:

Related Topics:
Tutorial: Easily Build A Currency Exchange Rate Progressive Web App Via REST API.
Tutorial: Easily Automate Business Processes With Progressive Web Apps

Prepared for Digital Transformation?

Now that we’ve shown you an example of manufacturing tools that can help you transform your business, you can use REST API and Visual LANSA to create more tools like these!

To learn more about how Visual LANSA can Jumpstart Your Digital Transformation, contact sales.

LANSA Editors

The LANSA suite of Application Development and Integration tools first saw the light of day way back in 1987 as a Repository-based Rapid
Application Development (RAD). LANSA’s genesis sprang from our practical association with the Colgate-Palmolive company in Australia.

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