Secure Portals, Fast.
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Enterprise Functionality—
Out of the Box
Portalize is a fully functional, fully customizable portal framework loaded with the most essential portal features right out of the box. Your developers can focus on creating solutions rather than spending time developing complex features needed in today’s application portals.
Portalize’s features include:
- Advanced navigation features, making it easy for your users to navigate safely
- Security features such as IP monitoring and banning, bolstered by rigorous third-party security testing
- Numerous user features, such as login, create an account, forgot password, security validation questions, update user profile, and set preferences.
- Administration features, including managing user accounts, security settings, email notifications, Google analytics, and session logging.
Admin Controls
Admin Has Control: While Portalize ensures that your users have an amazing experience, LANSA didn’t skimp on important administrative features. Admins can easily manage user accounts, and they have full control over security and notification settings. They can control session logging as well as turn Google Analytics on or off at will. Whether you have a few, a few hundred, or a few thousand users, Portalize’s admin features will make keeping control of your portal’s users a snap. Much like the user features, with amazing out-of-the -box functionality, all these features can be tweaked, added to, or removed for each specific portal.
- Manage User Accounts: Set administrative rights, reset security, disable an account, and view session logs.
- Email Settings: Control email notifications sent to users, configure SMTP settings, templatize emails, and more.
- Analytics and Session Tracking: Enable Google Analytics and session event tracking.
- Configure Security: Enable request validation checks for enhanced security, IP monitoring, and banning to reduce attempts and thwart attacks; set login attempts; and have full control over the number of security questions as well as the actual questions asked.
- Portal Logs: Control portal logging, including runtime and integration logs, and enable/disable logging on numerous portal features.
- System Settings: Configure Portalize’s settings such as system roles, web paths, folder names, portal resources, and transfer settings.
User Experience
User Friendly: Portalize is loaded with out-of-the-box features your users have come to expect from the most user-friendly portals. Users can create accounts, set security questions, maintain their own details and preferences, plus reset passwords and use many other UX features. The implementation of Google’s material design means everything will be familiar to users so they will have an easier time learning and adopting the new portal. Of course, all of this is customizable and can be added to or taken away from for exact portal needs.
- Account and Profile: Users can manage their personal profile information such as email, name, job title, company, etc.
- Security and Credentials: Change your password and set your security questions.
- Portal Activity: Features such as view session history, download session logs, and clear session activity are standard.
- Portal Preferences: Easily change the color of your personal portal and toggle between light and dark backgrounds.
Portalize by LANSA
The power of the Visual LANSA low-code platform was the perfect starting point for creating a scalable, customizable, full-featured portal solution. The flexibility of Visual LANSA means Portalize is ready to go as soon as you set it up in Visual LANSA and can be easily customized and modified as technology and user demands change. Portalize is the perfect solution when you need an advanced portal but don’t have the time or resources to create one from scratch.
LANSA Portalize Resources
Fast, Secure, Scalable Portals
Out-of-the-Box Portals That Scale
Portalize Features
Modern portals need more than just standard admin and user features. LANSA ensures that Portalize is ready to handle any size portal by offering scalability, security, and speed. Whether you need an enterprise or a “lite” portal, Portalize’s security features will protect your users and their data while maintaining the fast navigation users expect.
- Enterprise Security: LANSA made security a top priority when developing Portalize. We placed our expertise in data security into Portalize to ensure that your portal is up to date with modern security standards right out of the box.
- Secure Sessions: Portalize checks all requests to ensure they are not coming in by outside means. Add IP monitoring and banning and session logging, and you have a portal ready to handle the most sensitive data.
- Focus on Your Solutions: Your developers can now focus on solving problems and creating solutions instead of spending time developing a portal. Save valuable time and money by having your portal ready to go on day one of development.
- Blazing Navigation: Portalize is designed for fast navigation between pages, resulting in an amazing user experience. By utilizing the latest web technologies available to Visual LANSA, along with optimized use of portal modules, users won’t have to wait for pages to load or actions to complete.
- Portals Small to Large: Portalize is scalable, so it can handle enterprise-level portals but works perfectly with smaller portals as well. Portalize can handle thousands of users yet is affordable enough to make hosting smaller portals economical and beneficial. You can start small and scale up, start big and stay big, or start small and stay small—each situation is perfectly suited for Portalize.
Powered by Visual LANSA
Portalize was created with the powerful low-code platform, Visual LANSA, meaning you get total customization of your portal. Along with quick and easy customizations, you get a massive library of usable Visual LANSA modules and code, an understanding of the best practices in Visual LANSA, a reference for consistent application development, and the entire portal source code to customize and tweak as needed. With the power of Visual LANSA, Portalize is easily the most versatile and scalable portal on the market.
Easily Customize Portalize right inside the Visual LANSA IDE
It’s More than a Transaction
We are proud to offer competitive pricing for all of our products and services. To us, it’s about the relationship, not the transaction—so while upfront pricing varies based on your unique business needs, the total cost of ownership and total return of investment overtime is a consistent and impressive metric across our client base. Learn more about the long-term value LANSA provides to its customers.