Steve Gapp

Steve Gapp, President, is responsible for LANSA's sales, marketing and services in the Americas and Europe. Steve has a broad software engineering background and understanding of enterprise software trends, with over 30 years of experience in the software industry and 25 years of management expertise focused on strategy and growth. Steve started his career in London and moved to the US to join Softlanding as its CEO, after Softlanding bought Oasis 400, a software company that Steve had founded. Steve joined LANSA Inc. in 2007.

Shadow IT: Friend or Foe?

IT departments like to think of themselves as gatekeepers to their organization’s infrastructure and systems—but that’s not always the case.…

The Low-code Conundrum – Balancing Low-code Productivity with Engineering Best Practice

Companies undertaking digital transformation projects with new, low-code development tools face significant challenges. Especially true when the new applications need…

8 Principles of the Innovator’s Way

Evolving From the IT Cost Center to the IT Innovator (The original article appears in IBM System Magazine Power Systems)…

LANSA Managed Application Services

The cost effective way to reengineer, modernize & transform your IBM i applications allowing IT to help & grow your…