Marjanna Frank

Marjanna is responsible for LANSA’s sales and marketing activities in Asia Pacific. Her career started as a COBOL and RPG programmer in the Netherlands, followed by 10 years as a developer, analyst and founding partner at PT Sistima, a small software house in Indonesia, which offered general IT services and its own localized ERP solution. After moving to Sydney, Australia, Marjanna joined Aspect Computing and later LANSA, where her initial responsibilities included developing training materials, consulting on data warehousing projects, developing content such as case studies, blogs and the LANSA Review magazine.

RAD, 4GL, MADP, RMAD, MXDP, LCDP, hpaPAAS . . . . What the?

Without turning this into a lecture, below is a short overview of low-code, hpaPaas and other Rapid Application Development platforms…

Low-code – not your uncle’s RAD

Low-code development platforms can make application development simpler and deliver better quality applications faster. But, wait a minute, haven’t we…

Shadow IT & citizen development – Love IT or Loathe IT

No wonder the IT backlog is mushrooming.  Many IT departments are struggling to deliver mobile applications, getting cloud-ready and other…

Seven pitfalls to avoid when you have to offer data exchange via FTP

(note: abbreviations are explained towards the bottom of this article) Most will agree that web services and EDIINT data exchanges…

The eight most common reasons integration projects fail

Ninety percent of organizations still lack an application integration strategy according to a Gartner press release earlier this year. This…